
The State of being

Humans have endless journey with problems and finding the solutions to them. Some part for arrival of problems come from the feeling of being stuck somewhere. We have often heard the aphorism “the fear of unknown”…which is not always true I guess. Its about the curiosity we have, to know things and we then try to choose between things, people…just keep thinking…’what if’. And we are living beings, we always get a lesson…learning from our past incidents. We live in present but with  a part of our past alive with us. We then sometimes fear to make decisions based on the experiences we had. Like for example, the ones in stock trading fear to risk when its actually the time and leave the sector forever or else just hop without even having enough thought or researched about it which results in real loss and then will never go for trading. Or consider this case which almost every young adult faces…trust issues, commitment problem or just falling out of the love feeling thing. I just want to say.., experience is powerful thing, which has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. Well of course it is worth in every case to have one, that’s why it is either good or bad.

But it is important to make new experiences ….it helps the consistent growth factor in us. We must let our self to have them. I know, there are times when we are stressed and confused, but there is no biggest thing than to have the right to decide for our self. And we have it. So, now is the time to act, when you are screwed with your emotional or technical dilemma, take a break and then go for it. We must learn to give chances and as they say change begins from yourself first, so as this too…if we are not able to forgive or give chance to our self then how can we be able to give it to others and our loved ones! I mean it’d be better to do it and be wrong than just end up regretting for not doing it, right. Because these small decisions impact our lives as it did already in past and I believe it just adds up in our courage to decide for the next time whatever we’d want to do. We are so complex… its not that easy to be simple sometimes but why not just see what happens keeping our complexity aside.

This is the something called ‘the state of being’ and it is a process, we all go through it or can say we are always in this process. It is inevitable like pain. Learning and this state of being are co-dependent, technically speaking are proportional. And trust me, it also does not mean that you do the same mistakes again and again. You’ll see a pattern if you think over it and with a few analysis in your mind you automatically tend to grow.

Thanks for reading 😉

Mind & Its Games

Hii… I would like to share an incident in this post,this time.So lets get started. Firstly I want you to relate or think of anything,any incident in your life where you have failed somewhere be it any stupid race,competition or anything…and from then on wards you have held yourself back from doing things,still lost in thinking for the reason why you have failed at that moment.

Oka lets hear this and then maybe it gets easy to understand… ! This is not that life changing or kind of point in my life,it was just another little thing’s experience,but as they say, these little things, many a times teach us life lessons.So once in my college I gave this audition for some presentation competition they had…It was all random and we,me and friends went there together…We all gave it good according to our levels and then results were there and I dint get selected..Okay but I thought comparatively I did it better than who cleared it(Trust me,it really dint matter later and it was like any other soft skills stuff),but at that moment it kinda hurt me somewhere and left me with a lot of questions of not why I dint get selected but this failure thing and how our mind and heart reacts to such situations and eventually start to fit us for situations within which we know our potential is much better than that in life . So then I read some articles,books and watched videos,from where I have learnt this thing and want you to understand the psychology of this mental and emotional confusing battle of failure we fight for ourselves.

So It is important to be aware of how we respond to failure,because if we don’t,our mind will try to convince us that we are incapable of doing something and we will start to feel helpless and stop trying too soon or wont try in first place itself. This is very natural to feel defeated and demoralized after failing,but we cannot allow our-self to become convinced that we can’t succeed. We must take control of the situation and fight this feelings and dilemma,before it gives rise to negative thoughts of us only. So you there be the in-charge and battle negative thinking and failure.Do not let your mind to be your master.Its just,if mind is playing games and trying to fool you,you play double games..!!

Thanks for reading.I am glad you read it. : )

2020 Blooms

I have always appreciated the behavior of finding your own way by deciding for yourself and letting yourself do things on your own, make mistakes, learn and grow…but in the process you let yourself enjoy the beauty of hardships and discovery of whatever you are seeking.

"Very little grows on jagged rock.                                                                                                                                               Be Ground. Be Crumbled, so wild flowers will come up, Where You are.                                                                               You have been stony for too many years.                                                                                                                                   Try something different...Surrender."                                                                                                                                            ~Rumi

This is a very beautiful and deep thought by Maulana Jallaluddin Rumi, I think which not one can understand if he hasn’t realized or felt what exactly self-learning is and how a person grows intuitively by helping himself.

As we grow, we understand and give more importance to ourselves which is not always necessary in a bigger frame but we defend ourselves from heartache, comments and the social disappointments by our kind of defense mechanism which we have developed in us. This is how we become like a stone or hard rock where nothing can grow or is very difficult to grow. While we forget the fact that even a crack on stone could give life to wild flower. Similarly we should not follow same pattern instead do something different and just see the newness around us, because as you start to walk on the way the way appears automatically.

Have an adventurous & wonderful 2020 🙂 Thanks for reading!

Practice Happiness..!

There are days when you just feel lost…even if nothing has happened recently in your life.You start to feel weird and restless and try to compare the time of your life..this time, with your past time. This lead us to give reasons to our self to be unhappy and demoralize our self.

So being unhappy with your current situation,because of your surroundings,is something which we should try to avoid.we should at the moment get involve in things which makes us feel good like anything ,painting ,traveling,watching movies,reading,or just continue your childhood interest which you left because of no reason.’But do something. anything‘.Doing nothing again makes us to give more attention to this random sickness of being unhappy.

Feeling low is okay,this happens and will always.This is the time when we are raw,weak and most distracted with our own thoughts of self pity and so its good if we NOT fuel this feeling more.

This is kind of a pattern and it’s necessary to understand to practice these little things,which is going to help us ultimately in such times.

Try to practice happiness,by doing something,helping someone,caressing someone for no reason.Our Happiness should not be bound to any situation and by doing so we not only help ourself but also build a healthier environment for people around us. Remember, we are human and have the utmost potential to feel,understand and differentiate and we must nurture this skill and use it.

Thanks for reading.

Random Thought

No city can change the personality you have.. Personality doesn’t come from the place u belong, but from the way u think!
But the love for a particular place can be more and happening, because of some special memories! ❤